IMAX Corp. and Ufa,Russia-based exhibitor ZAO Kompaniya Perspektiva have signed an agreement toinstall an IMAX MPX theatre system in ZAO's flagship multimplex.

Located in central Russia,Ufa is the fourth Russian city where IMAX cinemas are set to debut by the endof 2006. New facilities are expected to open in Kazan, Perm and St. Petersburgnext year.

In a statement, IMAXco-chairs and co-CEOs Richard Gelfond and Brad Wechsler credited the company'sMPX systems which can play converted conventional films as well as IMAXmaterial - for expanding the growth of the worldwide IMAX cinema network,especially in emerging markets.

ZAO Perspektiva ownerKonstantin Vorontsov said the new cinema will give his Ufa multiplex, KinoIskra, a competitive edge

ZAO Kompaniya Perspektiva'sPlaneta Kino cinemas is the leading circuit in the Russian republic ofBashkortostan, of which Ufa is the capital.