Indian film star Rajkumar has finally been released by bandit king Veerappan after 108 days in captivity in the jungles of the southern state of Karnataka.

The 72-year-old actor's fans let off fireworks and handed out sweets in the streets of Bangalore when they heard of his release. The news of his capture had prompted widespread rioting in the Karnataka capital.

Officials said they had no information as to why Rajkumar had been released as the bandit's demands had not been met. These included dropping all charges against villagers who are now in jail or out on bail as a result of their alleged links to Veerappan.

Rajkumar has acted in more than 200 films, including Kannada-language superhits such as Golden Flower and Milk And Honey, in a career spanning nearly 50 years. He became the first artist from Karnataka to get the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke Award - the top honour granted by the Indian government to someone in the cinema industry.