Terminator 3 and Alexander producer Intermedia Films hasconcluded three separate international production deals as part of the group's streamlining of itsdevelopment and production activities and its expansion into televisionproduction.
Intermedia, IMInternationalmedia's Los Angeles-based subsidiary, has come to agreement "in principle" with the Cologne-basedproduction house Action Concept on a feature film co-production andco-financing arrangement. A low-budget action film is already indevelopment as part of that deal.
Action Concept has built up aninternational reputation as the world's largest full-service producer of actionformats with such productions as the Alarm Fuer Cobra 11 and Der Clown TVseries numbering among its credits.
Intermedia has also concluded a deal with independent US film and TV producer Jay Firestone's Fire Development toco-produce a one-hour television series based on Intermedia's 2004 releaseMindhunters.
In additon, Intermedia has confirmed the signing of a co-development, co-production and co-financingarrangement with Kadokawa Pictures USA, for the English-language remake of theKadokawa-produced Japanese horror film One Missed Call, that was directed in Takashi Miike. The remake was previously reported in ScreenDaily.
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