Stellar openings in three territories saw interstellar spoofcomedy (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1gain second place on the international chart - the highest placing anon-Hollywood film has achieved since Screen International launched itsexclusive international chart at the end of March this year.

Going out through Constantin Film in Germany and Austria thelatest hit from Michael "Bully" Herbig broke records for highest local filmopening in Germany and highest ever opening in Austria. In Switzerland, whereit was released by Rialto, it recorded the best ever opening for a German titleand helped the market to a 46% rise on the previous week.

(T)Raumschiff'sscreen average dwarfed all others in the international chart, where only Spider-Man 2 ranked above it. Spider-Man 2 was showing in 49 moreterritories.

Steep second week fall-offs for Spider-Man 2 in territories such as Spain (-59%), Belgium (-55%)and the UK (-50%) combined with falling grosses in longer holdover territoriesmay limit the length of time Columbia's sequel can hold the lead.

With a screen average that ranks 14th highest this week, Spider-Man 2 has no major openings thisweekend, while up-and-coming blockbusters such as I, Robot are looking to take over the mantle.

The Will Smith vehicle added seven new territories this weekled by a number one debut in Australia, taking $3.3m (A$4.6m). The film shouldleap up the international chart again next weekend, which sees it open inmultiple territories including Latin America, Asia and Europe including Mexico,South Korea, Hong Kong, France and Spain.

BVI's King Arthuralso did well in eight new launches, including Japan, jumping 107% to landfifth position.

Local successes for Korea's True Romance and Spanish comedy Isi+ Disi: Amor A Lo Bestia saw strong entries off the back of their singleterritory openings.

Of the summer's big hitters, Troy has just passed $350m internationally, a mark that The Day After Tomorrow and Shrek 2 are also approaching. Meanwhile Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkabanis eyeing $500m internationally. Spider-Man2 should reach $300m internationally next weekend.