The Irish Film Board (IFB) has established apre-production funding scheme for fully financed productions experiencingcashflow difficulties during the completion of legal and financialarrangements.
TheRevolving Pre-Production Fund (RPF) will offer a short term cash-flow facilityup to a maximum of Euros 150,000 to productions backed by the IFB.
Euros300,000 has been set aside for the RPF and pay-outs over that amount will onlybe possible when earlier loans have been repaid. The maximum period of a loanwill be eight weeks.
Where anRPF loan is given, payment of the IFB's production finance will not be alloweduntil the RPF loan is repaid in full, together with an administration fee of1.5%.
Administrationfees will be credited to the RPF in order to grow the fund for use by futureproductions. The setting up of the fund follows on from discussions with lobbygroup Screen Producers Ireland.
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