In 1945, Nazi Germany launches its first spaceships to set up a military base on the dark side of the moon. The plan is to stage an invasion of the earth once the time is right.

Prod companies: Energia Productions, Blind Spot Pictures, Cinet

Co-production company: 27 Films (Germany)

Backers: tbc

Producers: Tero Kaukomaa, Petri Jokiranta, Samuli Torssonen

Budget: $5.8m (€4.2m)

Intl sales: tbc

Director: Timo Vuorensola

Screenplay: Johanna Sinisalo, from an idea by Jarmo Puskala and Antii Hukkanen

Cast: Julia Dietz, Udo Kier, Gotz Otto, Tilo Pruckner

Locations and shooting: Berlin, Frankfurt, NY - May 2006 - January 2010

Contact: Film And Music Entertainment Ltd,

Status: In Production