Dubbed Cinema Drive, the label will initially produce one to two features per year, with a stated goal of increasing two-way viewership of related TV programming and films.
The first feature production will be based on BS-i spy comedy show 0093 Joouheika Kusakari Masao (Her Majesty's Secret Service: 0093 Masao Kusakari) and is slated for an October release. A second feature is planned for February.
Cinema Drive will operate under TC Entertainment (TCE) - a $2.43m (Y300m) joint venture established by TBS and Tsutaya in August 2005. TCE handles DVD releases of TBS-produced TV programmes and features such as Sinking Of Japan and Nada SoSo.
Tsutaya is Japan 's largest DVD and CD rental chain, with approximately 1,300 stores and 20-million members nationwide. Tsutaya also operates a home DVD delivery rental service, Tsutaya-Discas. Other CCC group companies include Rentrak and T Card & Marketing Co.
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