The main character will be played by 25-year-old Takashi Tsukamoto in his first leading role. The story follows Tsukamoto's mission to find his estranged dying father's ex-lover, when he slips back in time and meets his father as a young man.
The tale is based on a short story by Takayoshi Honda from his best selling collection Fine Days.
The cast also includes Jun Kunimura as the father, Asahi Uchida, Noriko Sakai, Cunning Takeyama, Hiroshi and Jun Fubuki. The film will be directed by music and idol video helmer Takashi Kubota in his theatrical feature debut.
Tsukamoto signed with Sun Music in 1996 after winning a talent contest and has acted in TV dramas and has played supporting roles in films such as Kisarazu Cat's Eye: Sayonara Game, China-Japan co-production The Longest Night In Shanghai and current box office hit Flowers In The Shadow. Sun mainly represents music and comedy acts.
Sun Music Group celebrated its 40th anniversary in November, making it one of Japan 's oldest talent management companies. The film production unit was established last year. The company also has a second film in the works with comedian Yoshio Kojima potentially starring.
Yesterdays is currently before cameras and slated for a fall release.
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