Jim Jarmusch's BrokenFlowers starring Bill Murray has won the audience award at the CambridgeFilm Festival (7-17 July).
The Jarmusch film nudgedStudio Ghibli's Howl's Moving Castle into second position and ThomasVinterberg's Dear Wendy into third place.
The 25th Cambridge FilmFestival saw audiences of over 13,000 watch 137 feature films from 29countries, 57 of them UK premieres.
The Festival played host toguests including directors: John Sayles (Silver City), MichaelWinterbottom and producer Andrew Eaton, Nicolas Winding Refn (Pusher 2),Diana Wynne Jones (author of Howl's Moving Castle), Peter Greenaway (ALife in Suitcases) and Mikael Hafstrom (Evil).
The winner of this year'sbest short film award was Get the Picture by Rupert Wyatt. Last year'swinner was Andrea Arnold's Wasp, which went on to win the 2005 Oscar forBest Short Film.
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