BeverlyHills-based international sales, financing and production company QEDInternational has appointed Tatyana Joffe as vice president of internationaldistribution.
Joffemost recently served as vice president of international distribution at Media 8Entertainment where she oversaw the international department as well aslicensing and sales for half the world including most of Asia, Eastern Europeand the Middle East.
Priorto Media 8 Entertainment her posts included director of internationaloperations for Trimark Pictures and international distribution coordinator forNew Regency Productions.
CEOBill Block announced the launch of QED in February. The managing partners aresenior vice president of worldwide sales and distribution, Kimberly Fox, chiefoperating officer Paul Hanson, and vice president of production ElliotFerwerda.
Thecompany's starting product line-up includes John Heffernan's graphic noveladaptation Just A Pilgrim, AndyFickman's thriller Cul De Sac, andIsaac Webb's mystery Second Wife.
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