Set in 1968, Love And Savagery follows a young Newfoundland scientist who set off to explore Ireland's geology only to discover his one true love. The young woman's plans to enter the church are sorely tested, as are the community's traditions.
Canadian actor Allan Hawco and Irish actress Sarah Greene are in the lead roles with support from Martha Burns, Sean Panting, Macdara O'Fatharta and Nicholas Campbell.
Love and Savagery is produced by St. John's-based Barbara Doran of Morag Loves Company and Lynne Wilson for Newfoundland alongside Kevin Tierney of Montreal-based Park Ex Pictures (Bon Cop, Bad Cop) for Quebec.
Tristan Orpen Lynch (Proof) of Subotica Entertainment, Ireland is executive producer.
Backers include Telefilm Canada, The Newfoundland and Labrador Film Development Corporation and the Irish Film Board.
On April 11, the film continues to St. John's Newfoundland for four more weeks of production.
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