Japanese media giant Kadokawa Shoten Publishing is making its first foray into children's features with Fushigi No Tatari-chan (Mysterious Little Tatari), based on a popular Kadokawa comic by Nanako Inuki.
Kadokawa plans to release the film, which stars child actress Natxumi Ohira, during this summer's school holiday season. It will be accompanied by two animated shorts, 30-minute Monkore Night and 45-minute Ojaru Maru. Both are based on popular TV shows that were in turn developed from Kadokawa comics.
Fushigi, about a young girl who uses magic to cow classroom bullies, features computer graphics animation created under the supervision of CG wizard Toshiyuki Kimura.
Kadokawa's film production arm Asmik Ace has made a string of box office smashes in recent years, including the hit Ring series. Fushigi, which is shooting until the end of May, is being directed by Toshiyuki Kimura from a script by Toimi Kikuhara.
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