Nicole Kidman will receivethe Chairman's Award and Oscar composer Howard Shore will be honoured with the FrederickLoewe Award for Film Composing at the 16th annual Palm SpringsInternational Film Festival (PSIFF).
Alejandro Amenabar, who directed Kidman in The Others, will present thehonour at the awards gala on Jan 8. Shore will receive his honour at a laterdate.
'The festival takes great pleasure in presenting Nicole Kidman with ourhighest honour, the distinguished Chairman's Award," festival chairman EarlGreenberg said in a statement.
"The award is designed to acknowledge actors who take risks in their selectionof roles and in their performances. We would like to commend Ms Kidman on herpassion for challenging and unusual material and for working with the most daringand gifted directors with singular vision.'
Greenberg continued: 'From The Lord Of The Rings films to theupcoming The Aviator, Howard Shore's musicelevates films to new artistic heights. Throughout his career Shore hasbecome one of the most distinguishing and unique voices in cinema through hisunique and imaginative work.'
Kidman won the best actress Academy Award for The Hours and mostrecently starred in Jonathan Glazer's psychological thriller Birth, forwhich she has received a Golden Globenomination for best actress in a drama.
Her credits include Cold Mountain,Dogville, Moulin Rouge, Eyes Wide Shut, and To Die For.
Shore has won three Academy Awards for original music and best song for TheLord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, and for original music for TheLord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring. His credits include The SilenceOf The Lambs, Philadelphia, Seven, Ed Wood and the upcoming KingKong.
The 16th PSIFF is scheduled to run from Jan 8-17 2005.
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