Kindred Media Group hasacquired North American distribution rights to Michael Hoffman's dramaticcomedy Game 6, starring Michael Keaton and Robert Downey Jr.
Exploring the existentialcrisis of a Broadway playwright and baseball fanatic, Game 6 is based onan original screenplay by acclaimed novelist Don DeLillo. It is directed byMichael Hoffman and produced by Amy Robinson, Griffin Dunne, Leslie Urdang, andChristina Weiss Lurie.
Kindred plans to open Game6 in major markets including Boston, New York and Los Angeles on Friday,March 3, 2006.
Game 6 screened at Sundance in the Premieres section thisyear.
Kindred, a New York andPennsylvania-based boutique distributor, last month picked up Brett C.Leonard's directorial debut Jailbait, starring Michael Pitt, at theToronto Film Festival.
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