Despite having to answer claims of embezzlement, delayingthe filing of insolvency, and bankruptcy in Munich's District Court sincemid-April, Kinowelt's Michael Koelmel is apparently still in a buying mood.
In an interview with the Dresden-based newspaper SaechsischeZeitung, he indicated that the revamped Kinowelt has a "seriousinterest" in a takeover of the insolvent Senator Entertainment."Senator would be just right for us," he said
According to industry insiders, though, Kinowelt isnot the only interested party: Constantin Film, Falcom Media, HighlightCommunications, the private media fund German Film Productions and a number ofventure capital companies have also been identified as possible suitorsinterested in boarding the beleaguered Senator.
Meanwhile, a fortnight ago, Senator's creditor banks gave avote of confidence to insolvency administrator Rolf Rattunde's recapitalisationplan by providing the necessary financial resources to enable theproducer-distributor's operative business to continue.
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