Koch Lorber Films has picked up all US and Canadian rightsexcluding pay television to Ruth Leitman's acclaimed documentary Lipstick& Dynamite, Piss And Vinegar: The First Ladies Of Wrestling.
The company plans an autumn 2004 or early 2005 release for thepicture, which premiered at Toronto's Hot Docs Festival and played at Tribecaearlier this month.
Lipstick & Dynamite chronicles thelives and careers of several female pro-wrestlers, from Gladys 'Killem' Gillemwhose opponents included men and alligators, to octogenarian fighters FabulousMoolah and The Great Mae Young.
"Ruth Leitman has made a film that celebrates the lives ofextraordinary women in a male-dominated sport that will surely appeal toaudiences of every persuasion," Koch Lorber president Richard Lorber said in astatement.
Leitman directed, produced and edited the picture. DebbieNightingale also produced and Lydia Dean Pilcher and James Jernigan served asexecutive producers, with Anne Hubbell serving as co-producer.
Koch Lorber vice president of acquisitions and development TimHinsley negotiated the deal with Ronna Wallace of Eastgate Picturesrepresenting Leitman and the producers.
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