The Korean Film Council (KOFIC) has named AhnJeeng-sook, a former editor of weekly film magazine Cine21, to a threeyear term as Chairperson to replace the outgoing Lee Choong-jik.
Ahn will join eight other commissioners newlyappointed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism to oversee the operation of thefilm support body and to draft and implement film policy.
Other commissioners chosen for KOFIC's third termsince its reorganisation in 1999 include film director Lee Hyun-seung (IlMare) who will serve as Vice-chairperson; documentary filmmaker KimDong-won (Repatriation); and producer Shim Jae-myung (JSA),managing director of MK Pictures.
In 2005, KOFIC oversees a total budget of $52m whichincludes $12m for investment in film production-related funds; $11.6m for aloan programme to exhibitors and film-related companies; and $28.4m for supportprogrammes and operating expenses in various departments including the KoreanAcademy of Film Arts and the Namyangju Studio Complex.
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