Korean director KT Kwak,whose credits include
The controversial noveldepicts a North Korean commando unit taking over the
Currently in developmentwith Kwak adapting the novel himself, the film is scheduled to go intoproduction early next year. The budget is projected to be similar to therecord-breaking Typhoon's $14.5m.
Yang Joong-kyung, head ofZininsa Film, says the producers plan to cast talented Korean and Japaneseactors once the script is completed.
A director as well as writerhimself, Murakami Ryu is said to have suggested the film to Kwak during the productionof Typhoon. Several of Ryu's bookshave been made into films, including 69,directed by Sang-il Lee.
Although Kwak is said tohave hesitated initially at the thought of a film made from the viewpoint ofJapanese right-wing conservatives, Ryu convinced him that the novel was meantto send a warning to Japanese society, which is gradually leaning further tothe right.
Yang says: "After meetingMurakami Ryu and reading his book, we saw it was about how
Osato Yokichi, CEO andchairman of Amuse Inc, which holds the
Typhoon isto open in
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