GregLaemmle and Steven Zeller's "virtual" distributor Laemmle/ZellerFilms has picked up Debra Granik's Down To The Bone and Gaston Biraben's Argentinean thriller Cautiva.
The company, which launched earlier this year with the aim ofchampioning titles that might typically fall through the distribution net, willopen Down To The Bonein early October and Cautiva in early 2006.
Down To The Bone won the director's award and the special jury prize at Sundance2004 and stars Vera Farmiga as a working class mother who falls in love with asfellow drug addict in rehab.
Cautivawon the Horizons Award for Best Latin American film at San Sebastian in 2003,and stars Barbara Lombardo as an Argentinian girl who investigates thedisappearance in the 1980s of her political activist parents.
Laemmle/Zeller Films has no corporate offices or direct staff andoperates out of the principals' offices.
Laemmle handles theatre bookings, prints and materials, box-officecollections and bookkeeping, while Zeller's GS Entertainment Marketing Group isresponsible for marketing.
The company's first release, the baseball documentary Up ForGrabs, opened in April.
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