USarthouse cinema chain Landmark Theatres has opened a New York office and hiredLisa Bunnell as its East Coast film buyer and Melissa Raddatz as director ofpublicity.
Bunnellwill primarily be responsible for booking all of Landmark's East Coast screensand sites and reports to president of film and head film buyer Ted Mundorff.
Shemost recently served as a senior film buyer at Loews Cineplex Entertainmentwhere she worked on the Sundance Film Series, and the Israeli and Italian FilmFestivals.
Raddatzwill oversee all marketing and publicity campaigns implemented by LandmarkTheatres' regional marketing managers and will lead national campaigns forLandmark's Truly Indie programme.
Shewill report to Landmark Theatres chief executive officer Bill Banowsky and vicepresident of marketing Ray Price.
Raddatzmost recently worked at Donna Daniels Public Relations heading up publicitycampaigns for among other titles, Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room, WhyWe Fight, and The War Within.
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