Actress Diane Lane hasreached an agreement with Intermedia to settle the lawsuit that she broughtagainst the company last year over a pay-or-play deal to star in the film MeAgain.
Nodetails were revealed in the settlement, but Lane's agency Endeavor, which hadrefused to work with Intermedia until the deal was settled, has now agreed tolift the ban on the company.
"We'reglad that both sides reached this agreement," said Lane's agent at Endeavor,Brian Swardstrom. "We're happy for our valued client, Diane Lane, and glad tobe back in business with Intermedia. They've got some great projects and welook forward to working with them in the near future."
"We're thrilled to settlethis misunderstanding amicably and certainly hope to work with Diane Lane on futureprojects," added Jon Gumpert, Intermedia's Vice-Chairman and Head of MotionPicture Operations. "We also look forward to continuing to work with Endeavor."
Lane had signed to star withBruce Willis in Me Again, butwhen Willis dropped out, the project languished and Endeavor claimed she wasnot paid the $2.7m owed her in the deal.
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