Only hours after the worldpremiere of Lars von Trier's The Boss Of It All at the Copenhagen International Film Festivallast Thursday, the maverick director has announced his next film. Moving fromthe comedy of The Boss OfIt All, he will next tackle horror in Antichrist.
The project was announced forthe first time two years ago but was delayed after producer Peter AalbaekJensen told vital parts of the plot to reporters.
Jensen and von Trier, whoco-founded Zentropa, had their friendship tested but now restored. "I haverewritten parts of the story and this time Peter Aalbaek Jensen is getting lessinformation about details of the project," von Trier told in his cabin at the Zentropa Backlot.
"I don't want to give away the plot myself thistime but the film will shoot next summer and will be in English with three leadcharacters if the planning and financing goes according to our plans," vonTrier says. "I've discovered the horror film genre to be much more free than I thought. Anything can happen in a horrorfilm."
The director is currentlykeeping busy watching horror films of all sorts, especially Asian titles from
Von Trier has not ruled outmaking part three of his
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