An eleventh-hour addition tothe Cannes competition line-up was announced Wednesday, just hours before thecurtain was set to go up on the opening ceremony.
Jonathan Nossiter's Mondovinowill be screened in competition on Friday May 14, festival artistic directorThierry Fremaux announced Wednesday morning. The film is an investigativedocumentary about winemaking that spans three continents.
Fremaux told Screen, "We hadthe film screening out of competition and just felt that it could be moved overinto the competition." Fremaux said the jury had been notified of the changeTuesday night and insisted there was "no particular reason why the film wasadded at the last minute" but pointed out that the move was not precedentsetting. However, this would be the first time that two documentaries havecompeted for the Palme D'Or in the same year.
Mondovino is a 2 hour and 40 minute opus that traces wine fromNapa Valley to France, Argentina, Brazil and Italy. Nossiter, whose last film Signs& Wonders screened in competition in Berlin in 2000, is himself a wineexpert . Nossiter has acted as wine buyer for various New York restaurants andhas been vocal in the past about his disappointment with the growingindustrialisation and banalisation of wine growing and producing.
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