Filming on the Holocaust drama The Last Train (Der LetzteZug) has been stopped in Prague after onlyone day of shooting following an accident on set involving the director JosephVilsmaier (Comedian Harmonists, Stalingrad).
According to press reportsat the weekend, Vilsmaier has had to be hospitalised "for at least aweek" after being injured when a camera crane overturned during atravelling shot on the first day of the 42-day shoot.
Featuring Head-On'sSibel Kekilli, Gedeon Burkhard and Marco Hofschneider, the production byveteran German producer Artur "Atze" Brauner of CCC-Film recounts theharrowing experiences of dozens of Berlin Jews when they were transported ingoods wagons to Auschwitz in early 1943.
This is the latest hurdle for Brauner's long-cherishedproject which seems to be constantly jinxed. Vilsmaier was the fifth directorto be approached by Brauner to direct the film after he had parted company inturn with four other directors - Armin Mueller-Stahl, Rolf Schuebel, Ivan Filaand Juraj Herz - due to "artistic differences."
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