Paris-based production house LDMProductions has announced the commencement of shooting on a new projectentitled 8.
A series of short films by renowneddirectors, the project will highlight the fight against poverty and otherhumanitarian issues facing the world today.
On a total budget of $4.2m (3.5m Euros)directors such as Robert Altman, Jodie Foster, GasparNoe, Jane Campion, ShinyaTsukamoto and Jan Kounen will complete their work intime for a possible Venice 2006 slot. International sales are being handled byWild Bunch.
LDM is working in partnership with theUnited Nations Development Program to promote its program MillenniumDevelopment Goals. These goals were adopted by 191 countries during theMillennium summit of 2000.
Although the original idea for theproject, according to LDM's LissandraHaulica, was to create 45 second commercials, uponmeeting with directors it was decided the project could be enlarged.
Noe and Campionare the first to start work with the former shooting in
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