Hemay have proposed to his girlfriend atop the city's most glorious monument andbeen welcomed last year by one of the capital's most influential politicians,but Tom Cruise will not be made an honorary citizen of Paris any time soon.
Thenewly controversial movie star was invoked during a municipal get-together todiscuss aid to cult victims and their families in Paris on Monday according toAgence France Presse. Cruise was referred to as a "sect symbol" by GillesAlayrac, a member of the PRG - a radical left wing party - who called for thecity of Paris "never to welcome the actor Tom Cruise, spokesperson forScientology and confirmed militant of the group."
Aleading socialist party member, Anne Hidalgo, speaking on behalf of the mayorof Paris said Cruise had "turned his notoriety into a weapon with which hegains access to the Republic." She added that if the situation arose, she would"fight against any attempt to make Tom Cruise an honorary citizen of the city."
Cruise- who is currently starring in box-office smash War Of The Worlds - has been riding a whirlwind of shaky press in thepast few months. Since going public with his relationship with actress KatieHolmes - the two were engaged in June in Paris - the actor has been exhibitingwhat many consider overzealous behaviour regarding his future wife and hisreligious beliefs.
In September 2004, Cruisesparked ire from certain political factions when he met with then financeminister, Nicolas Sarkozy. Sarkozy, who is now minister of the interior, metwith the actor to discuss Franco-American relations and film. The meetingreportedly ended with Cruise inviting the politico to vacation at his home inColorado.
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