Animation veteran Tony Leondis is attached to direct Exodus Film Group'sCG-animated feature comedy Igor, which is set to go into production in the first quarter of 2007.

The Weinstein Company (TWC) will handle the North American releaseand sold most international rights at Cannes earlier this year.

Igorfollows the escapades of a mad scientist's hunchbacked assistant who harboursgrand ambitions of his own. The voice cast includes Steve Buscemi, John Cleeseand Christian Slater.

'We could not be more excited to have an artist like Tonyinvolved with Igor,' TWC vice president of production and development EricRobinson, who is overseeing the project for the company, said. 'His experience,talent and unique vision are a perfect complement to the project.'

Exodus president John D Eraklis is producing along with MaxHoward, based on a screenplay by Chris McKenna.

Leondis' writing credits include Disney's Home On The Range and DreamWorks' The Prince Of Egypt, and he directed Lilo & Stitch 2:Stitch Has A Glitch.