Santa Monica-based LightningEntertainment has struck key territorydeals on its spiritual adaptation ConversationsWith God.
Sales have closed inAustralia/New Zealand (Hopscotch); Spain (Isaan);Mexico (Quality Films);Brazil (Alpha Films); Benelux (Inspire Films);Czech Republic (Padora);Turkey (Fida); Hungary (Budapest Films);Singapore (Ram Nido); and HongKong (Edko).
Samuel Goldwyn Films holdsUS theatrical and Fox Home Entertainmentholds North American videorights to the adaptation of Neale DonaldWalsch's bestselling series ofbooks about his transformation fromhomeless person to spiritual guru. HenryCzerny stars as Walsch.
Lightning has also closeddeals on Jonathan Stack and Jeff Swimmer'sHoly Grail documentary SecretsOf The Code.Lightning hassold rights to Germany (Universum); Hong Kong (Edko);Portugal (FilmItales); Scandinavia (Nonstop); Benelux (Inspire);Thailand (UnitedKing); Latin America (IDC); and the former Yugoslavia(Discovery).
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