Riding high on Saw II's one-two punch following record North American and UK weekendlaunches that generated $31.7m and $3.8m respectively, Lions Gate FilmsInternational has announced a slew of major territory sales on three otherhorror pictures heading into AFM.
The company has closed sales on most territories for James Isaac'swerewolf feature Skinwalkers produced by Constantin Films, Red Moon Films, effects house Mr Xand Stan Winston Studios, which is currently in production in Toronto and starsJason Behr, Elias Koteas and Rhona Mitra.
Rights have gone to Momentum in the UK, Studio Canal in France andFrench-speaking Benelux, Avex in Japan, and Gussi in Mexico. Other salesinclude West in Russia, Imagem in Brazil, Paradiso in Dutch-speaking Benelux,Acme in the Baltic States, Hollywood Classics in the Czech Republic, Discoveryin Croatia and Serbia, Spentzos in Greece, PT Parkit in India, PT Menara/PTAmero Mitra in Indonesia, Cathy Keris in Malaysia, Eagle in the Middle East,Pioneer the Philippines; LNK in Portugal, Monolith in Poland, Mongkol inThailand, and ATM in the West Indies. Lions Gate holds worldwide rightsexcluding Germany.
Andrew Currie's zombie comedy Fido, currently in post-production andstarring Billy Connolly, Carrie-Anne Moss and Tim Blake Nelson, has sold toEntertainment in the UK and AB Svensk in Scandinavia. LGI will screen earlyfootage at AFM.
Meanwhile Billy O'Brien's Ireland-set horror tale Isolation starring John Lynch and Ruth Negga getsits market premiere and has already sold to Eagle in Italy, Liberty/Victory inBenelux, and LNK in Portugal. Additional sales have gone to PRA in Turkey, ShawRenters in Singapore, Cathay Keris in Malaysia, Eagle in Lebanon, and Discoveryin Croatia/Serbia. Redbus, which was recently acquired by Lions Gate, willrelease in the UK.
The company has wasted little time securing sales on two titlesplaying at AFI FEST. Andy Garcia's directorial debut The Lost City starring Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray andGarcia has gone to Metropolitan in France, CDI in Italy, RCV in French andDutch-speaking Benelux, Scanbox in Scandinavia, Ster Kinelor in South Africa,LNK in Portugal, PRA in Turkey, Shapira in Israel, Spentzos in Greece, NewFilms in Bulgaria and Romania, Hollywood Classics in the Czech Republic andSlovakia, Paradigma in Hungary, Dominion/Best Films in Poland, Blitz inCroatia/Serbia, PT Amero Mitra in Indonesia, Shaw Renters in Singapore, WPM inThailand, Lark in Hong Kong, Eagle Films in Lebanon and the Arab Emirates, andATM Films for the West Indies.
Roger Spottiswoode's crime drama Ripley Under Ground starring Barry Pepper and JacindaBarret, has sold to Scanbox in Scandinavia, E Stars in China, LNK in Portugal,Forum in Israel, Ozen in Turkey, Soyuz in Russia and the Baltic States, AQS inthe Czech Republic and Slovakia, New Films in Bulgaria and Romania, ShawRenters for Singapore and Brunei, Viva in the Philippines, PT Amero Mitra inIndonesia, Spentzos in Greece, Box Office Entertainment in Thailand, Blitz forCroatia/Serbia, and Eagle Films for Lebanon and the Arab Emirates.
Sundance pick-up and Sitges multi-award winner Hard Candy has been sold to Metropolitan in France,Klockworx in Japan, Gussi in Latin America, Scanbox in Scandinavia, A Film inDutch and French-speaking Benelux, Forum in Israel, Castello Lopes in Portugal,Ans in Turkey, Myndform in Iceland, Spentzos in Greece, Pioneer in thePhilippines, Shaw Renter in Singapore and Brunei, EEAP in Russia, the BalticStates, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Poland, Budapest Films in Hungary,Discovery in Croatia/Slovenia and Serbia.Redbus previously acquired rights in the UK, Aurum for Spain and Iconfor Australia and New Zealand.
Market premieres include Fierce People starring Diane Lane, Elizabeth Perkinsand Donald Sutherland. The company will also screen extended footage of TonyBill's upcoming wartime drama Flyboys, starring James Franco and Jean Reno and Produced by DeanDevlin. The slate rounds out with the recently completed true-crime thriller Borderland starring Sean Astin, and horror title Catacombs starring Shannyn Sossamon and AleciaMoore (aka Pink) from the producers of the Saw franchise.
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