Lions Gate Films has boughtworldwide distribution rights to the six-film horror package of films byproducer Taka Ichise dubbed J-Horror Theater.
The franchise of films is bysix Japanese horror masters - Takashi Shimizu who made The Grudge, Hideo Nakata (TheRing, Dark Water), Kiyoshi Kurosawa (Cure,Pulse) and screenwriter Hiroshi Takahashi who wrote the
Shimizu has just wrapped hisfirst English-language picture The GrudgeColumbia Pictures and Senator International, while Nakata is in pre-productionon The Ring 2 for DreamWorks.
The first two films in theanthology - Ochiai's Infection andTsuruta's Premonition are shootingthis year.
The Lions Gate deal followsof the launch of Ichise's development and financing shingle Entertainment Farm
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