Lionsgate International andLakeshore International have finalised a slew of major sales on the JasonStatham revenge saga Crank, currentlyin post-production in Los Angeles.
Lakeshore completed sales to Universal in the UK,Aurum in Spain,TF1 in France,and Rai in Italy.
Lionsgate concluded sales in therest of the world, including Hoyts in Australiaand New Zealand,Presidio/Movie Eye in Japan,Gussi in Mexico,Central Partnership in Russia,and California Films in Brazil.
Crank also went toNordisk in Scandinavia, Paradiso in Benelux, SPIin the Czech Republic,Hungary and Poland,LNK in Portugal,Blitz in Croatiaand Serbia, andFIDA/PRA in Turkey.
ProRom took rights in Romania,PT Amero Mitra in Indonesia,Eagle Films in the Middle East, Celebrity Films in India,Viva in the Philippines,Major Cinepictures in Thailand,Myndform in Iceland,and ATM Films in the West Indies.
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylorco-wrote and directed the story of an assassin who sets out to find the peoplewho poisoned him and his girlfriend.
Lakeshore chairman Tom Rosenberg and presidentGary Lucchesi produced with Radical Media's MichaelDavis.
Lionsgate will release Crank in the USlater this year. Statham will also star for Lionsgatein the martial arts thriller Rogueopposite Jet Li.
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