Lionsgate International hasreported storming business on its upcoming action thriller Rogue starring Jet Li and Jason Statham.
Filming wrapped recently inVancouver on Lionsgate's biggest production to date. Statham plays anFBI agent who pursues the notorious assassin who killed his partner.Phillip Atwell directed.
Sales were concluded withJapan (Asmik Ace); Germany (Constantine); France (Metropolitan); Spain(Aurum); Italy (RAI); South Korea (The Showtime); and Mexico and CentralAmerica (Gussi).
Rights have also gone forBrazil (Paris Filmes); Beneulx (RCV); Scandinavia (Nordisk); Portugal(LNK); India (PT Parkit/Multivision); Greece (Spentzos); Indonesia (PTAmero Mitra); the Philippines (Viva); and Thailand (Rose).
Further deals were signedfor Argentina (Alfa); Venezuela (Blanco); the Middle East (Eagle);Turkey (FIDA); Israel (Forum); Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary andPoland (SPI); Iceland (Myndform); Romania (EEAP/ProRom); formerYugoslavia (Blitz); and the Baltics (EEAP/Acme).
As previously announced, Lionsgatewill release in the US, and through its newly acquired distribution armLionsgate UK in the UK.
Lionsgate International'sCannes slate includes thriller Devil To Pay starring Lucy Liu; action thriller Crank starring Jason Statham; and the dirty bomb thriller RightAt Your Door.
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