FlorianHenckel von Donnersmarck's Oscar-nominated The Lives Of Others hasadded to its impressive list of distinctions by picking up four of thisyear's German Film Critics Awards: for Best Feature Film Debut, BestActor (Ulrich Muehe), Best Editing (Patricia Rommel) and BestCinematography (Hagen Bogdanski).
Lastyear's Berlinale Competition entry Requiem by Hans-Christian Schmidreceived the prize for Best Feature Film and Best Actress (SandraHueller), while the Best Documentary award was shared by Veit Helmer'sBehind The Couch and Soenke Wortmann's Deutschland. Ein Sommermaerchen.
Inaddition, Best Screenplay prize went to Wolfgang Kohlhaase for
SummerIn Berlin and Best Music to Bert Wrede for his score for
Tough Enough,which premiered at last year's Panorama in Berlin .
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