Pakistani film Silent Waters (Khamosh Pani), which was the surprise winner at Locarno earlier this year, has turned out to be a strong seller for French combine Les Films Du Losange.
The film by Sabiha Sumar enjoyed Mifed sales to Filmladen for Austria, Lumiere for Belgium, Filmmuseum for The Netherlands, Karma Films for Spain, Emik/Mikado for Italy and Mongrel Films for Canada. Earlier deals included one with Academy Films for Germany and Frenetic Films for Switzerland. Films Du Losange will itself handle the release in France.
The film, which chronicles the parallel tracks of Pakistani politics over 20 years and the evolution of a Punjabi family, next appears at the Karachi and Sundance festivals. It has also collected prizes at the Festival Des Trois Continents at Nantes in France and the Cape Town festival.
Films Du Losange reports that it is now in advanced negotiations for distribution deals in the UK and US.
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