As part of the new London and Shanghai city-to-city partnership announced in February,members of the UK film industry will visit Shanghai from June 14-20. Shanghaidelegates visited Londonearlier this year.
UK Trade and Investment is funding the officialdelegation, with representatives John Chang of KAI Computer Services, AndrewKeogh of Fresh Paint Pictures, Arjun Chatterji of Mangonoir Films, Jeremy Pelzer of EalingStudios, Beth Sanders of Silk and Steel Productions, Paul Raphael of Starfield Productions, and Thu' Nguyen of Minh Productions.
The larger London trademission includes director Anthony Minghella,Pinewood's Nick Smith, Cinesite's Colin Brown, and Nik Powellof the National Film and Television School.Representatives from Film London, the Mayor of London's Office, UKTI and theBritish Council will also attend the week-long event.
During the week, they will visit Shanghai filmindustry experts and studios, participate in market briefing sessions from theCass Business School/Film Business Academy, hold a co-production forum andattend the Shanghai International Film and TV Market.
The Shanghai InternationalFilm Festival (June 17-25), in conjunction with the British Council, is hostingthe London on Screen strand including a Minghellaretrospective.
"Shanghai is one of thegreat international film cities. We are confident this mission willprovide the opportunity to discuss real cooperation on a range of commercialinitiatives and forge long-term educational and cultural links that will havegreat benefit to the capital's industry," said Film London CEO Adrian Wootton.
The UK government plans to sign an official co-productiontreaty with China.
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