The MontrealWorld Film Festival (MWFF) has won back its Category 1 status ahead of nextmonth's 2005 edition, following re-accreditation by the FIAPF (InternationalFederation of Film Producers Associations).
The move meansMWFF is currently the only A-list competitive event in North America with FIAPFaccreditation, rejoining the likes of Cannes, Berlin, Venice and San Sebastian.
FIAPF presidentAndres Vicente Gomez and MWFF director Serge Losique are believed to besatisfied with the outcome after FIAPF chiefs refused to accept MWFF'sapplication for accreditation for 2003.
The punitiveaction followed a unilateral decision by Losique to change the dates of the2003 event so that they overlapped with Venice and Toronto.
MWFF had beenrecognised by FIAPF since its inception in 1977 and was accredited as a generalcompetitive event a year later.
The festival isnow back in the fold after Gomez instigated a review of FIAPF guidelines lastyear.
The MWFF,scheduled to run from Aug 26-Sept 5 this year, has been locked in a battle withan upstart rival New Montreal FilmFest which will take place for the first timethis year in Sept just two weeks after MWFF closes.
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