Serbian director Darko Lungulov is reuniting with Penrose Films, the co-producer of his debut Here And There, on his next project, Monument To Michael Jackson (working title).
The film — about a young Serbian boy who faces local opposition to his plan to erect a monument to the pop star — has been overhauled following Jackson’s sudden death last summer. It is expected to go into production by the end of the year.
Serbia’s KinoKamera is co-producing Monument To Michael Jackson with Penrose and the film will be handled internationally by Films Boutique.
The Berlin-based production house is also developing Bettina Blümner’s Das Hohe Lied and Gerd Schneider’s Die Verantwortlichen. Both are feature debuts.
Penrose’s Cindy Doesn’t Love Me, which premieres at Perspektive Deutsches Kino tonight, will be released through Reverse Angle in Germany on June 17.
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