Filmax International hassold all rights in Portugal to their entire library of titles at Cannes toLusomundo Audiovisuals, plus newupcoming films Fragile, Captain Trueno,The Machinist (with Christian Baleand Jennifer Jason Leigh) and the three in-production animation titles Donkey-Xote,Pinnochio 3000 and Nocturna.
The deal involves a morethan a hundred titles and includes current releases such as
The agreement was signedbetween Filmax International's CEO Carlos Sanchez and Lusomundo's Jose AntonioJao. Mini-studio Filmax has also just signed first-time director Alejandro Toledo to helm
Lusomundo will take allrights to the library, according to the deal negotiated by the company'sAntonio Joao, Joaquim Andrada and Nuno Tome. Lusomundo is a subsidiary of PTMultimedia in Portugal.
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