It will be the fifth DreamWorks Animation title to be released in large-format between June 2008, when Kung Fu Panda is released, and May 2010. The film will be released on the new IMAX digital projection systems, which are expected to be rolled out in the summer.
In a statement, DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg said the sooner-than-anticipated digital rollout made the large-format release possible. 'DreamWorks Animation remains committed to delivering a premium entertainment experience to our audience and further extending our relationship with IMAX helps us to achieve that goal.'
Added IMAX co-chair and co-CEOs Richard Gelfond and Brad Wechsler, 'The virtual elimination of film prints enables studios to release titles in a shorter window. This allows IMAX theatres to program more content, which we believe will translate into increased revenue for exhibitors and ultimately lead to accelerated growth of the IMAX network worldwide.'
Other DreamWorks animation titles set for large-format release include the studio's first three 3D titles, Monsters vs. Aliens (March 2009), How to Train Your Dragon (November 2009), and Shrek Goes Fourth (May 2010).
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