Horror dominated the charts as The Final Destination opened top for Warner Bros on an estimated $28.3m and Dimension Films/TWC’s Halloween II launched in third place on $17.4m.

TWC’s erstwhile champion Inglourious Basterds slipped to number two in its second weekend as $20m raised the running total to a promising $73.8m. The film still ranks number one overseas through Universal/UPI and has amassed more than $132m globally.

In fourth place District 9 continued to surge towards the $100m for TriStar as it added $10.7m for $90.8m, while one place below it Paramount’s G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobrastands at $132.4m.

  • Focus Features released Ang Lee’s Cannes entry Taking Woodstockin ninth place on a lacklustre $3.77m. US comedian Demetri Martin stars alongside Liev Schreiber, Imelda Staunton and Emile Hirsch.

  • Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Princeexited the top 10 for the first time in seven weeks and ranks 11th on $294.4m.

The Labor Day public holiday next weekend marks the final weekend of the summer season, although the foibles of the calendar dictate that this summer is one week longer than that of 2008. One box office tracker has already declared that the $4.26bn earned through Monday will have outstripped the summer last year by 1.5%, with attendance down by roughly 2.2%.

Next weekend’s wide releases are: Fox’s comedy All About Steve with Sandra Bullock and Brad Cooper; Lionsgate’s thriller Gamer with Gerard Butler; and Miramax’s comedy Extract with Jason Bateman and Ben Affleck.

Estimated Top 10 North America August 28-30, 2009
Film (Dist)/Est wkd gross/Est total to date

1 (-) The Final Destination (Warner Bros) NLI $28.3m –

2 (1) Inglourious Basterds (TWC) UPI $20m $73.8m

3 (-) Halloween II (TWC) TWC Int’l $17.4m –

4 (2) District 9 (TriStar) QED Int’l/SPRI $10.7m $90.8m

5 (3) G.I. Joe: The Rise Of Cobra (Paramount) PPI $8m $132.4m

6 (5) Julie & Julia (Sony) SPRI $7.4m $70.9m

7 (4) The Time Traveler’s Wife (Warner Bros) NLI/WBPI $6.7m $48.2m

8 (6) Shorts (Warner Bros) WBPI $4.9m $13.6m

9 (-) Taking Woodstock (Focus Features) FFI $3.75m $3.77m

10 (7) G-Force (Buena Vista) WDSMPI $2.8m $111.8m