The international jury headed by veteran German filmmaker Edgar Reitz gave the Rainer Werner Fassbinder Prize to Stephanie Duvivier for her film A Police Romance (Un Roman Policier).
Its special award was presented to Hungary's Ferenc Moldoványi for Another Planet (Másik Bolygo).
In addition, three special mentions were bestowed on: India's K. M. Madhusudhanan for Bioscope; Taiwan's Lee Chi Yuan for the film Beautiful Crazy (Luan Qing Chun); and on Canadian actress Isabelle Blais for her performance in Lyne Charlebois' Borderline.
Borderline also picked up the Ecumenical Jury Prize and the FIPRESCI International Critics Award.
Spanish filmmaker Freddy Mas Franqueza received the most votes from festival-goers for this year's Audience Award for his film Awaking From a Dream (Amanecer De Un Sueño).
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