Written and directed by Eska and produced by Connie Hill and Jason Wehling, the film is the story of an undocumented worker and his widowed daughter-in-law. It stars Pedro Castaneda and Veronica Loren.
'We're excited to launch our distribution division with a beautiful film like August Evening,' said Moctesuma Esparza, co-chairman and CEO of Maya. 'We're confident it will satisfy both traditional art house audiences and break through to the mainstream Latino market, achieving both critical and financial success.'
Glen Reynolds of Circus Road Films negotiated the deal on behalf of the film's producers with Maya's Esparza and Jose Martinez, Jr.
Created by award-winning producer Esparza (Selena, The Milagro Beanfield War), Maya is a vertically integrated company comprised of Maya Releasing, Maya Cinemas and Maya Pictures. Dedicated to the growing US Latino market, it plans to distribute 8-10 films a year theatrically and will acquire additional titles for DVD distribution. It also plans to announce a slate of films for production starting next year.
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