The Weinstein Company hasacquired North American rights to Media 8's romantic comedy Lovewrecked starring Amanda Bynes and Chris Carmack.
Randal Kleiser directed thestory of a teenager who finds herself stranded on a desert island with a rockstar and in order to win his heart neglects to tell him that she works at atropical resort around the beach.
Jamie-Lynn Sigler andJonathan Bennett also star. Stephen Langford wrote the screenplay.
Joe Anderson, WendyThorlakson and Sammy Lee produced while Lance Bass, Stewart Hall, MatthewLeonetti Jr, Derek Elliott, Simon Lo and Kelli Konop served as executiveproducers.
Executive vice president ofacquisitions and co-productions Michelle Krumm brought the project to Harveyand Bob Weinstein.
"We are delighted to beworking with The Weinstein Company," Media 8 president Jenna Sanz-Agerosaid. "We are so proud of the final film and feel that they will do a great jobin bringing it to the family marketplace."
"We are thrilled to bedistributing Lovewrecked which isa fun story with a talented cast that will appeal to all ages," Krumm said.
Executive vice president ofbusiness and legal affairs Barry Littman negotiated the deal on behalf of TheWeinstein Company with Jenna Sanz-Agero and Brian O'Shea for Media 8.
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