Pan-European training initiative the Media Business School (MBS) has appointed a new eight-person advisory council for its Master in Audiovisual Management (MEGA) program.
The council appointees, named by MBS director Juan Pita, will each be responsible for co-ordinating lectures and shaping content for individual areas of instruction in the MEGA, now in its sixth year of operation.
The program, which targets Europeans aiming to enter some aspect of the film business, includes a summer's worth (500 hours) of instruction in Spain followed by a six-week internship at leading European production, distribution and sales companies, broadcasters or legal firms. The students then reassemble in Spain later in the year to present a thesis in the form of a business plan for a project or firm.
The MBS boasts that more than 90% of the 137 MEGA graduates to date are employed in the film industry, some in top-level positions. The inscription period for this summer's program ends Friday, March 28.
The new appointees include: Luis Jimenez of Deloitte & Touche in Madrid (Management of an Audiovisual Company); Dominique Green of Greenlight Productions in Paris (Development and Script Analysis); Linda Beath of Ideal Filmworks Italia in Rome (Business Plan and Project Work); Peter Dally of Bird and Bird in London (Legal and Business Affairs Aspects); Marco V Pugini of Panorama Films in Rome (Production Strategies and Production Planning); Bernard Stampfer of Deutsche Bank in Frankfurt (Financing Strategies); Alberto Pasquale of Warner Bros in Rome (Marketing and Distribution); and Christine Camdessus of Alegria in Paris (Participants Observance/Follow-Up).
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