The MEDIAProgramme of the European Union will back European Film Promotion with $859,430(Euros 650,000) for EFP's promotional events and activities and a further $568,546(Euros 430,000) for Film Sales and Support.
In 2007 EFPwill organise seven promotional events, including Picture Europe!, highlightingnational box-office hits outside their country of origin; Shooting Stars at theBerlinale; touring Shooting Stars at three other European festivals; Producerson the Move at Cannes; Variety Critics Choice at Karlovy Vary; promotionalactivities at Pusan; and EFP Industry Screenings in New York.
The FilmSales and Support initiative, started in 2004, will run at Sundance,
Half of EFP'sbacking comes from MEDIA; the other funding comes from EFP's 27 memberorganisations.
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