Jason Biggs, NataschaMcElhone and Jeremy Northam are to star in Guy X for young Britishdirector Saul Metzstein, who made his mark with 2001's well-received LateNight Shopping.
The black comedy is beingproduced by Film and Music Entertainment with Spice Factory, tax-basedfinancier Movision, National Lottery franchise The Film Consortium and itssister sales company The Works. The film started shooting this week on locationin Iceland before a five-week studio shoot in Montreal.
Biggs, star of the AmericanPie franchise, plays a rookie US soldier in the aftermath of the VietnamWar who finds himself stranded in the Arctic at a secret military base thatdoesn't officially exist. Steve Attridge and John Paul Chapple adapted thescript from John Griesemer's novel No One Thinks Of Greenland, which isbased on a true story from the Korean War about a hospital where injuredveterans were kept invisible until they died.
McElhone plays SergeantIrene Teal and Jeremy Northam takes the role of the base commander. MichaelIronside also appears.
Producers are Mike Downeyand Sam Taylor for Film and Music Entertainment and Michael Cowan and JasonPiette for Spice Factory. The Film Consortium's Chris Auty and Neil Peplow takeon executive producer chores, along with Peter James and James Simpson ofMovision and Film and Music Entertainment's chairman Stephen Daldry.
"Although set in thepost Vietnam period, it is a very contemporary story, very much reflecting ourtimes in an entertaining, wise, humorous and intellectually rigorous way," saidDaldry.
The Icelandic-Canadian-UKco-production has pre-sold to Scandinavia's Scanbox, Tartan Films in the UK,Seville in Canada and Iceland's Greenlight. It is supported by the IcelandicFilm Fund and co-produced by Ex ehf in Iceland and Wizz Films (X) in Quebec.Invicta Capital is providing a UK sale and leaseback deal, whilst the RoyalBank of Scotland is gap financing.
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