Bennett Miller has teamed up with Paramount Vantage to develop TheImmortalist, the Oscarnominated director's follow-up to Capote.
It is understood the drama centres on several characters involvedin life extension research. "It's not a science-fiction film," Millersaid. "It's a drama set in the very real world of those pursuing'biological immortality'.
"It's a pursuit that attracts some extremely brilliant,wealthy and influential people. It also attracts tragic figures. This storyfollows one such person on his disturbing foray into it."
"Bennett is one of the most exciting and innovativefilmmakers to emerge in the last few years," Paramount Vantage presidentJohn Lesher said. "I am honoured that he would choose Vantage as the homefor this project."
Dante Harper will write the screenplay and Plan B will produce,with Vantage's executive vice president of production and acquisitions AmyIsrael and senior vice president of production and acquisitions Matt Brodlieoverseeing for the division.
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