Principal photography has begun in London on Breaking AndEntering, written and directed by Anthony Minghella.
Previouslyannounced cast members Jude Law, Juliette Binoche, Robin Wright Penn and VeraFarmiga are joined by Martin Freeman, Ray Winstone and Mark Benton in thecontemporary drama.
The film is a co-production between Miramax Films and TheWeinstein Company, the interim name of Bob and Harvey Weinstein's new company.
Breaking And Entering is Minghella's firstoriginal screenplay since his 1991 feature debut, Truly Madly Deeply.
Minghella, Sydney Pollack and Timothy Bricknell areproducing for Minghella and Pollack's Mirage Enterprises. Colin Vaines andDavid Greenbaum are overseeing the production on behalf of Miramax Films andThe Weinstein Company.
A story about theft, both criminal and emotional, BreakingAnd Entering follows a disparate group of long-term Londoners and newarrivals whose lives intersect in the inner-city area of King's Cross. When alandscape architect's state of the art offices in a seedy part of town arerepeatedly burgled, his investigations launch him out of the safety of hisfamiliar world.
Breaking And Entering's behind-the-scenes teamincludes production designer Alex McDowell (Fight Club, Minority Report)and cinematographer Benoit Delhomme (The Scent of Green Papaya, Merchant ofVenice, Cyclo), line producer Anita Overland (The Claim, A Cock and BullStory) and Minghella's long-time collaborator, 1st AD, Steve Andrews.
Music will be composed by Gabriel Yared (The EnglishPatient, The Talented Mr Ripley, Cold Mountain) and Rick Smith and KarlHyde of the group Underworld.
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