MIP-TV, the spring TV programmes market in Cannes, closed on a modestly positive note yesterday. Market chief, Rene Pires said that some 9,024 delegates had taken part. That was down 11% on last year's figure of 10,104, but was better than he had hoped for given the world's current political turmoil. Many delegates who did attend said it felt like a greater proportion was missing and many clearly cut short their stay to just two or three days.
The number of buyers was similarly down - at 2,327 compared with 2,603 - but the overall number of companies registered was little changed at 2,666 (2,686), the number of countries represented up from 92 to 95 and the total number of exhibitors up from 1,205 to 1,247.
For yet another year the hot product category was formats - those programme ideas that are successful in one country and then get remade as local content internationally.
That was borne out by an annual study published by Mediametrie, which showed fiction still as the most popular genre worldwide (Mediametrie compiles ratings data from 72 countries), reality and game shows continued to increase their market share to 30% last year. Making way - and losing ground - were feature films, especially American ones. Having grabbed 90% of the best rating features on TV, Hollywood films last year only achieved six out of the top ten ranking films on TV.
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