The MIP TV market began to wind down Thursday after four days thatfocused more on convergence than traditional television.
Indeed, this year's market was subtitled "TV Reloaded," and thebuzzwords were convergence, community and content. Many attendees said this wasthe first MIP TV to substantially address the broadening scope ofmulti-platform distribution.
Alongside TV sales people and buyers, technology companies, mobileoperators, internet providers and search engines were omnipresent.
As internet providers team with TV producers to create online-specificcontent, the face of prime-time television is morphing into "my time"television. Conference speakers during the event continually noted thatconsumers want more content and they want it available on a 24-hour portablebasis.
Joining Miller for a keynote address this week was reality televisionpioneer Mark Burnett. The pair are working together ona new web-based reality show, Gold Rush, in which anyone can participatein a search for gold buried across the
Burnett said he no longer considered himself a TV producer but rather a"content producer" and predicted the decline of network television's popularityin the near future. "My kids don't even know what a network is, they watch onechannel and it's called TiVo," he said, referring tothe digital video recorder platform.
There was a general consensus at the market that because consumers nowhave the ability to pick and choose programming and watch it commercial-free attheir leisure, the industry is heading for a rough period where studios aregoing to need to wake up and make content available on the internet and viamobile phones with advertisements attached.
But what does all of this mean for the film industry' According to one
The recent expansion of
A study released in
Recent and US films dominate the field with35%-80% of the available offer and national films taking up 4%-71% of space.
Given that telecoms, internet service providers, retailers, electronicsgiants and search engines have joined traditional outlets such as networks,satellite platforms and cable operators, some say the market is being saturated.However, one recurrent theme at the MIP market was the idea that if a TV show -or a film - reaches only 20% of the audience when it airs or is releasedtheatrically, making the product available at all times to everyone can onlyhelp to increase penetration.
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